Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Dec. pictures and update Dec. 8 2009

So here are the photos i ended up using for my card. As i was not certain on any one and if i had taken any more photos the kids would have flushed the camera on me i put this group together in one card! They are all black and white and i think it makes a nice christmas collage!!
I know i said i would talk more about the happenings in our family.. i suppose i shall go backwards!! This past month Willem and i spent 2 days in the hospital for an
EEG. Willem falls asleep at unusual times and his school nurse was convinced he was having seizures. He isn't!!! At the hospital he fell asleep eating ice cream in the afternoon as well as at dinner as he does if he does not get a nap during the day. He went in and out of sleep with out anything unusual. I blame his school for falling asleep there as they only had a pre-k 2nd year in the afternoon which SO does not work for us!!! He is missing SO much school because when he falls asleep before school i cannot get him to wake up right away. His having to go to school in the after noon has added SO much stress to my life i cannot even begin to explain. Not only with him needing to sleep at some point in the day but also with Helena's nap trying to get her to wait until after Will is off to school at 12:30. (then waking her to get Ben at 2:30) YET i am stuck because he is learning so much! Learning his letters even writting some of the letters on his own. And he and I Really like his teacher she really gets him which is an awesome thing. I wonder when he will grow out of his need for a nap in truth i anxiously await that time. I blame it on his very low muscle tone. How much energy it takes from him to do the simplest of tasks and all the ones he still has not mastered! He is finally getting his own underware and pants on and off. BUT cannot get his own sock on or navigate getting his own shirt on. My phrase is that he has a hard time with his fine gross motor skills, the big things that take detail like finding the arm hole in a shirt. Pressing certain buttons on toys he still has difficulty. I really wish we knew other moebius children to know if they are going through similar issues. I did meet so many different people at the conference a year and a half ago but i am so not social that i never really made a contact with any of the other moms. That is a goal of mine for this coming July!!!!
So we just keep going and love each other a lot!!! I am tired but will try to be better about logging on to this space were it feels good to think out loud.


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