Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Febuary 11th 2009

Where to begin ~ i suppose with today!! Willem had a second strabismus surgery today. His first was 2 years ago, at 18 months of age. He was AMAZING.. i was so nervous he really did not have much of a clue as to what was going to happen. He kept on asking mike and i what tools the dr. is going to use and our reply was, dr. tools!! because of his Moebius Syndrome he will never have outward lateral eye movement, this was to center his eyes more. He had started pushing in at his eyelids about 4 months ago and we think it is to help him focus. I say "think" b/c at the age of 3 he does not have answers to why he is poking at his eyes. He had been wearing prism glasses and this should let us discontinue with those. Although he will still need his sunglasses for outdoors with his inability to squint! Willem's eyes are very red and he has some red tears, they are a bit swollen as he had the out side muscles tightened this time. The first they released the tightness on the inside(closest to nose)! Now that we got through the surgery i just hope and pray that this is it and we won't need to do anymore fixing!! As the general anesthesia is so scary for me. My little baby boy has been put under 3 times in his short life and i have NEVER once in my 34 years...crazy!
He is really doing so well in preschool. Physically i feel that he is understanding his body better but he really has to think about it. To jump or in therapy he does sit-ups and when we are playing and dancing around the house and i will ask him to do one i can see his mind working so hard to tell his body what to do!!! In O.T he is working on cutting and holding pencils. At home we have decided to make him feed himself!!! (ABOUT TIME) He is doing a great job, yes it takes longer and it can get pretty messy. I thank Helena for this step in our lives b/c I was complaining that i was not introducing solid food to her b/c i was still feeding Will. So she has helped her big brother grow up a bit faster!!!
In truth so much of it is my enableing him!!!! Just last week at my sisters we sent the kids out to the back yard and i was all ready to bundle up and go out with them b/c i had to be with willem.(Even though she sends her kids out in a fully secure closed in back yard all the time) So i said i'd wait until he needed me ~ I never went out!!!!!
So neither moebius syndrome or i need to hold this little guy back he truly can do anything he wants!!
EVEN his face!!! We are having great sucess with our speech therapy even getting movement, Mind you it is a lot of work BUT it is working i have been know to cry a bit in amazement!
He is my super hero!!!
Then there are my other 2 super heros!! Ben is awesome, funny, smart, he has been into quoting his favorite movies and even reacting them! (such a guy)
Helena is crawling and pulling herself up to stand At 7 months old!!! I remember how hard I worked with Willie to crawl in P.T one of us holding his torso the other his head up and now to see her get it with out a second thought! The brain, nervous system really the human body is amazing. i need to sign off as it may be a very long night here!