Monday, April 21, 2008

what a weekend!!!

It was a pretty crazy one!!! Benjamin had a fever all weekend and yesterday afternoon he started screaming that his chest hurt to much to breath and at 7:30 we were off to the emergency room and at 11p.m. a chest x-ray confirmed that he had pneumonia! So he is on antibiotics and already feeling better this evening. And willem was complaining his ears hurt and today the doctor said he had a double ear infection ~ also on antibiotics! Hopefully it will be the last cold of the season! On saturday as Ben was out on the couch willem and mike were playing outside and he took some really cute pictures of willem with the tulips here are some! I am going to keep this entry short as i am off to my Yoga class which i really need today!


shancav said...

How beautiful are your kids!?! Your story of Willem is so moving and I'm sure you will touch many people with it! It certainly caused me to laugh and cry many times while reading! Hope everyone gets better soon!

la maman de Nathan said...

qu'il est beau!